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Is Beach Bags Saving Spots? Is Beach Bags Saving Spots?

Is Beach Bags Saving Spots?

We’re fellow houseboaters and, like many, have been enjoying Lake Powell for decades. We understand, appreciate, and respect the culture of houseboat etiquette that’s developed on the lake over the years and do our best to abide by it.

We’ve heard the comments regarding Beach Bags running a business to “save the best spots on the lake”. It’s not our intention, or business practice to operate in that fashion, although we do understand how we, and circumstances, have caused that to happen.

Our operational objectives are to place Systems once a houseboat is enroute to its destination and to pick-up Systems as soon as possible after the houseboat departs its anchorage. We strive to ensure Systems are not left unattended for more than a few hours. We have, however experienced multiple situations where this has not occurred.

We believe acknowledging the problem is the first step to fixing it. To reduce the likelihood of these occurrences we’ve been making the following changes to our operations.

  • We’re adjusting operations to reduce the likelihood of houseboats leaving Beach Bags Systems unattended because our customers failed to reach their site in time, or at all, due to mechanical issues, weather issues or other circumstances.
  • We’re increasing our communications with customers after they’ve been anchored to improve our ability know if boats end their vacation earlier than scheduled – leaving a Beach Bags System unattended.
  • As the season has progressed, we’re increasing staff and equipment to be able to respond more quickly to unforeseen circumstances that would leave Systems unattended, and will continue to do so.

We started Beach Bags with the goal of providing a powerful, safe, legal, go-everywhere anchor system for better houseboating, as well as protecting and preserving Lake Powell for everyone’s enjoyment. We look forward to the journey ahead and we’ll continue to work to earn the respect of our customers, fellow houseboaters and the Lake Powell community as a whole.

Respectfully Yours,

The Beach Bags Team

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