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tightrope keeps lines tight tightrope keeps lines tight

tightrope keeps lines tight

Keep your lines tight.

Keep your lines tight.

Keep your lines tight.

After properly anchoring your houseboat, these are the top three things you can do to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for you, your family, guests and crew. But keeping your houseboat anchor lines properly tightened is nearly impossible if it’s only outfitted with cleats. 

With cleats you just can’t get the mechanical advantage necessary for keeping those anchor lines properly tensioned to help alleviate unwanted houseboat movement during the dynamic lake level changes, strong winds and sudden gusts commonly experienced on Lake Powell. That is until tightropeTM. It's a cinch!

Think of tightrope as an ultra-portable windlass. It’s a patent pending, clever, lightweight, self-contained block and tackle pulley system that receives an anchor line and provides a nearly 4:1 mechanical advantage for keeping it properly tensioned. No more struggle, no more strain, no more sleepless nights. Just attach, adjust (tighten or loosen) and enjoy the peace of knowing your houseboat is safely, securely and snugly connected to its anchors.

Offered exclusively as an upgrade to your Beach Bags System we’ll teach you everything you need to know to successfully use tightrope on your next Lake Powell Adventure. 


“… rock solid and better than any other anchoring system we have tried in the past. As a bonus their new tightrope system absolutely blew us away. Both items are a real game changer …” 

- Kevin

“… We had strong winds during out trip and the Bags were on solid rock. They did not move at all. I really appreciate having the system in place and the very best part of it all was the rope tightening system. That is the best way to tighten ropes that I have seen in my more than 40 years of Lake Powell trips …”

- Lynn K, Luna Vista

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